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Olderfleet Primary School, Larne, Co. Antrim

Forest School Buddy Sessions

30th Jan 2024
Y1 had their first Forest School Buddy Session with Y7 today, as Miss Barnes is embarking on her Forest School journey and hoping to gain her Level 3 qualification. Under the guidance of our qualified teacher Mrs. Godfrey, Y1 joined Y7 for session about camouflage. After setting the boundary flags out and going over our safety rules we played a hide and seek worm game. It was much easier to find the red wool worm than the brown ones! Y1 then went on a hunt for something they found interesting. Addison found a really big sycamore seed which made an excellent 'helicopter'. We had fun throwing it up in the air! Everyone gave the session a thumbs up! We can't wait for our next session.